
Showing posts from July, 2013


I am having two of my books edited. I have had The Lebrus Stone beta read, and although the lady offered some help, it was very vague and confusing. So from now on, I am going to be very selective about who beta reads. I would rather have valid, constructive, thorough advice and suggestions. Being desperate for just anyone to read your books only gets you a rushed job. There is a girl who charges $20 to beta read per book, and says she is thorough. I may consider it, along with the editing. I also joined some groups on Facebook. I managed to get introduced to an American guy who has been the most helpful so far, eager and very complimenting haha, which is always nice. I am very thankful for his advice. Here is what he said: I appreciate all the help you’ve given me on my stories and I hope that my input is equally helpful:  I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read. Your story telling ability is as lovely as you.  Everything is brilliantly vivid. There were some sentences that...

Manuscripts Galore

The publishing house has said they would send me some manuscripts. It's strange to think I could be contributing to choosing what book to accept and recommend, but exciting to see what kind of stories are going to be sent for me to perhaps edit. I probably won't be able to discuss certain matters with you, but I will try to keep you updated. As for my books, I am trying to find editors for two YA Paranormal Romances. I am waiting for some sample edits, and then I will be able make a decision. Since I am unable to find any beta readers for these novels, I might pay a few editors who don't charge too much, say in the region of $60 -200 per book. That way I could select two or three editors for each. I mainly need opinions. I will announce who the publisher is soon. :)