Update - Publishing house job offer and submissions

I have been busy adding final touches to The Lebrus Stone, and even submitting it to publishers. I have submitted to around seven so far: three with just a query letter and the rest with a sample. I haven't had any replies yet,  and I'm not panicking like I had five years ago when I submitted to agents. I only submitted a couple of weeks ago anyway, and I've realised there are alternatives, and that we don't have to rely on agents and publishers to get a book read.

It's mainly down to yourself anyway, and how much you are willing to market it. I'm ready to sit for hours at my computer, socializing online to see who wants to read/review/promote my novels. I did it during my singing days.

A few weeks ago a U.S publisher I was planning to submit to, e-mailed me about an editing position within their company. I began editing their sample within minutes of receiving it, double checked for errors and sent it back the next day.

When I received a reply the following day, it read something like this:

Thank you for such a quick turn around with the sample test. We were impressed with how thorough you were and your keen eye for detail. You also have a strong editorial voice.

I was pleasantly surprised. Although I was aware my editing was worthy of being encouraged.  I have helped many writers improve their novels. They have been amazed and very thankful and it's very fulfilling to know I am not only helping, but giving writers that extra bit of hope.

I had a meeting on Skype with two of the guys who are head of the publishing house, and was told my editing voice is that of a teacher rather than a dictator, nurturing, and that it is what they wanted. They also wanted someone thorough. If you have been fortunate enough to have had me critique/edit/beta read for you, I would like to think you would agree with the thorough part. :)

It's exciting. I'm currently editing all my YA paranormal romances to submit to publishers or self publish.

Thank you god, my loved ones in heaven, and angels for bringing the opportunity, and steering me towards a calmer path, while helping me to keep the faith.



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